A change being made to the VAT Flat Rate Scheme on 1 April 2017 will force many businesses to leave the scheme.
Useful Info
What are the key things to be aware of when you begin charging your customers VAT for the first time?
Do you need to deduct tax from the wages you pay to the part time or casual staff you employ within your business?
What are the key requirements to be aware of regarding when your business should start charging its customers VAT?
A guide to how your earnings will be taxed when you work for yourself, rather than someone else
From 6 April 2016, up to £1,000 per year of previously taxable savings income will become tax free for many taxpayers.
Why using a simple spreadsheet as your bookkeeping system can save you time and money and keep the tax man happy.
From April 2016, changes to the way dividend receipts are taxed will result in higher tax liabilities for some taxpayers.